Speaking and Listening

“Young people need plenty of opportunities to listen to language embedded in engaging and meaningful contexts”- Carol Read

Here you will find activities and ideas related to speaking and listening.

Some activities will emphasis one skill, but many will integrate both both skills.

What are the different types of spoken language we need to expose our students to?

  • Instructions                
  • songs              
  • dialogues                    
  • descriptions
  • conversations                
  • videos             
  • rhymes                       
  • monologues

Don’t forget- it’s important to have listening motivated by pleasure as well as necessity!


  1. guess-who worksheet and template
  2. justin-beiber-activity– “Baby” by Justin Beiber
  3. Battleships: battleships-instructions and battleships-template


  1. “Guess Who” based on the famous game, this is a speaking and listening activity for students to practice describing people- see above worksheet.
  2. “Baby” Justin Beiber song activity- see above worksheet.
  3. “Battleships” – see above worksheet.
  4. “Witness Statement” students watch a short video in the target language. They are then asked, what did you see/ hear? (if this is too hard, can ask concept questions- what colour was the woman’s coat, how many dogs were in the house etc)
  5. Music– students find a Chinese song they like, bring in and play for the class. They can prepare some information and questions around the lyrics or the video- introducing new key words/ phrases, discussing the fashion etc.
  6. Live- interview a stranger/ someone you know- Tell students they are going to interview a native speaker.They need to:
    • prepare the questions
    • follow up with writing the interview
    • could also be pre-recorded, students create questions (preferably recorded, but can be written), teacher gives them to a friend who records the answers. Pupils can then guess the answer before they hear it.