Writing and Characters



  1. http://lang-8.com/ Site to write in Chinese and receive correction from native speakers
  2. https://sensiblechinese.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/radical_chart_PDF.pdf
  3. http://www.iwillteachyoualanguage.com/how-to-write-in-chinese/
  4. http://www.memrise.com/course/47843/common-simplified-chinese-radicals/
  5. https://sensiblechinese.com/lessons/day-1/
  6. https://sensiblechinese.com/common-chinese-characters/
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kangxi_radical
  8. http://www.zhongwen.com/ (bit unwieldy, but could be useful)
  9. http://www.memrise.com/course/268/first-500-characters-in-mandarin-chinese/
  10. http://www.memrise.com/course/48263/mandarin-radicals/
  11. Chinese bookmarks templates
  12. person-radicals
  13. person-radicals-face
  14. radicals-in-nature
  15. radical-nature-pt-2
  16. who-am-i
  17. animal-radicals-wheel-of-fortune
  18. Quizlet sets stroke order
  19. A radical view of Chinese characters
  20. Yellow Bridge- Chinese radicals
  21. Break the ancient code to learn Chinese- game
  22. Common Chinese Radicals writing practice – created by Josh Ma at Whitgift School
  23. Full list of Chinese Radicals
  24. Play with characters at http://www.hanzicraft.com/



  1. Remembering Radicals: Use resource 2- radical chart. In pairs, each partner takes it in turn to call out a radical to their partner, and the partner has to write it. I suggest that you do this a line at a time- when students are confident with one line, the next time you do this, move onto the next line.
  2. Chinese character bookmark– students can write radicals or characters on a bookmark (see resource 11, found at www.activityvillage.co.uk)
  3. Humans are Radical/ Radicals in Nature: Use resources 12-15. This is a resource to make students focus on radicals and character construction, to make them start noticing the relationships between writing and meaning. There are multiple ways to use this resource, including: a) simple memory- the student looks at the side with the radicals, tries to remember them, and writes them on the other side; b) a couple of master sheets are pinned up outside the classroom, students have to run out, look at the character, try and remember it, run back in and draw it on the chart; c) show a large version of the sheet on the board and ask your students to look at a piece of authentic Chinese text (doesn’t have to be simple)- can they see these radicals anywhere? They have to circle the ones they find; d) create a big chart of the body, give students a bag of cards with these cards and someĀ  other radicals mixed in (say 5 extra)- tell them, 5 of the radicals are not related to the body, they have to remember/ work out which ones are (you could give them the pinyin so they can look up the meaning) and then add to the chart.
  4. Who am I”– resource 16 -this is a freer practice activity for students to personalise learning based on language learnt so far. If you are following Jinbu 1, then this would be appropriate around about the end of Chapter 3.
  5. Wheel of Fortune: Animal Radicals resource 16- this is a fun activity to ideally fill 10 minutes in your lesson, focusing on recognition of animal radicals. There are four different suggested procedures, focusing on recognition, creation and application.